I was expecting rain this morning, but once again, it was fine and dry.
After getting up and having breakfast, I went to see the campsite horses. Got a few photos before some of them turned their backs on me. Perhaps I should have had some polos in my hand!

Started the ride today following the coastal road.
I stopped for a few photos along the way, the first being the lighthouse. Then some of the coast line that I could see from just riding the road.

As I was riding, I saw a sign that said the name of the town I was heading for, (well, similar as I cannot remember the spelling or pronounce any of the names), so decided to look into it. It certainly was a more direct route, which would save some miles, but more importantly, it would be a pleasant change of view, as this did involve a gravel road going straight over the mountains.
Despite having enough fuel, according to my calculations for the long coastal route, as this was going through middle of nowhere, all be it, less mileage, I thought it would be best to re-fuel. This meant double backing again, but heh, I’m good at that!
Once fuelled up and a quick drink, I set off, looking forward to my little solo adventure off the beaten track. Something I would have been very wary of before I came here, but with what we have done over the last couple of weeks, I was well up for it now!

It was not long before I was up at the snow line again.
Queue music; The Carpenters - On Top of the World…
I must have listened to this three times in a row.
Yes, I really do have that on my phone for such occasions. As well as ‘Ain’t no mountain high enough’ by Diana Ross!
This got me wondering, the water accumulating up at this level is from the snow melt, so where is the first waterfall?
So, keeping my eye fixed on the water course to my left, (well, I did occasionally look at where I was riding), I was keen to spot the first waterfall up here.

And this was it. Not very big, but it was the first.

Shortly followed by a more spectacular one with a lovely blue pool at the base!

Getting to this artwork involved an almost horrendous experience. Not something I will share on here.
Anyway, tonight, I treated myself to a hotel in a small town just 25km from the ferry port.